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Young people

Coordination Centre
There is a specific pastoral group for young people over 18 years old “Young People’s Days for reflection “. Periodically organize weekenddays for a young people over 14 to 17 years old , Young Montserrat.
What offers MY?

Montserrat Young was born out of the initiative of Father Sergi d’Assís, thought as a place for reflection and fun for teenagers. It has always lasted a weekend. It’s not a continuous activity and doesn’t expect to create a Pastoral Care of Young People in Montserrat.

It hopes to complement the task done by dioceses and parishes. Each Montserrat Young has a subject about which reflect and the participants take also part in some of the Community’s prayers. The participants come from different places and realities.

For this reason the activities have an open approach but taking always in account the vision of Gospel. For this reason, the teenagers, who don’t have a regular religious life, feel also comfortable in these meetings. Montserrat as a Sanctuary bears in mind what Pope Francisco says about welcoming people, who are away from the religious life or don’t have an explicit experience of faith.

How many teenagers take part in each edition?

About fifty, but there are always some variations in participants’ number or characteristics. Nowadays, the teenagers have access to agreta number of activities – sport, parish, free time, family, etc.

The Rector of the Sanctuary, Father Joan M. Mayol, and Brother Gabriel Soler are in charge of this activity, together with a team of secular instructors.

More about Montserrat Young