All of us have the opportunity to collaborate actively with the Abbey of Montserrat, an ensign of our culture. Now we can enjoy Montserrat with more advantages.
Enjoy Montserrat!
An unforgettable place of peace and reflection.
Incomparable nature and beautiful landscapes for the pilgrims and visitors.
The millenary history of a monastery with a close relation with the society.
A place where enjoy with the family, friends or alone.
he Boys’ Choir of Montserrat.
The beauty from art and culture preserved in Montserrat.
The art exhibitions of the Museum.

Friends of Montserrat is close to the spirit of the Foundation of the Abbey of Montserrat 2025 of helping to promote the spiritual and cultural values on benefit of a cohesive society, having in mind its roots and also open to the world. Many people visit often Montserrat.
As Friends of Montserrat, they can enjoy more the mountain and all the services offered in the whole of Montserrat.
A good of everybody and for everybody.
- Discount on the price of the ticket for the Rack Railway and the Aeri de Montserrat.
- Free guided tours with advanced booking (see calendar).
- 10% discount on the books published by Montserrat Abbey publications bought in the shops on the Sanctuary or in the Abbey Bookstore in Barcelona (Ausiàs Marc Street, 92-98).
- 10% discount on the price of CDs edited by Discos Abadía de Montserrat bought in the Sanctuary’s shops and in the Bookshop placed in Barcelona.
- 10% discount on the price of the statues, images and medals of Our Lady of Montserrat in the Sanctuary’s shops.
- 10% discount on menus at the Abad Cisneros Restaurant and the Montserrat Restaurant (for groups of more than 20 people).
- Special discounts at the Abat Cisneros Hotel and at the Abat Marcet Cells.
- Special price for the tickets of the Museum of Montserrat and for the Audiovisual Space “Montserrat Portes endins / Montserrat Doors Inside”.
- Discount on the Montserrat Mountain Board parking fee.
- Advantages and discounts in the assurance company Catalana Occidente.
More information on discounts and offers for the Friends of Montserrat
The Foundation Abbey of Montserrat 2025 gives the opportunity to enjoy Montserrat with a card full of advantages for the Friends of Montserrat.
For obtaining this card, you should made a single payment when you request the card, according to the following conditions:
a. Senior (over 65): 15€
b. Adult (aged 27- 65): 25€
c. Youth (aged 14 – 26): 15€
d. Children (aged 4 – 13 ): 10€
e. Families (1st degree): 50€ (2 adults and 2 children)
These payments can be subject to tax deduction according with the present fiscal law.

Fundació Abadía de Montserrat 2025
Phone: +34 93 877 77 25