Center for
The missions of the Pastoral coordination centre is to look after the needs of the people who go to Montserrat for religious motives.
The pilgrims will find a team of monks, employees and volunteers waiting to help them in the PCC.
To contact the PCC, either an e-mail:
or call to 938777766
Pastoral Proposals
If you would like the community of monks to pray for a particular reason, or if would like to ask for a private service, please contact the Pastoral Care Center.
Married Couples
The Pastoral coordination Centre organises get-togethers for married couples so that they can stregth and consolidate the experience of living as a couple:

Married Couples
The Pastoral coordination Centre organises get-togethers for married couples so that they can stregth and consolidate the experience of living as a couple.
Presentation of children to the Virgin
Christians have always put the children under protection of Saint Mary.
In Montserrat there is the possibility to commend them to the Virgin with a prayer pronouced in the Chapel of Our Virgin.
To present your children to the Virgin and put them under her protection, please, contact with PCC:
Pilgrimage on foot to Montserrat
There are many ways to go up to Montserrat, but the pilgrimage on foot has been the most traditional way over the centuries. If you come to Montserrat on foot, you can ask in the PCC your credential and ask the pilgrims’ blessing.