- Business Hours:
- 09.00 – 13.30
- 15.00 – 17.00
- Phone: +34-93 877 7725
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The main finality of the Foundation is collaborating with the Abbey of Montserrat to promote and encourage the social, cultural and ecologic values, which are part of the values of the Monastery and the Sanctuary of Montserrat on benefit of the pilgrims and visitors, who go up to Montserrat
This finality is set looking financial assistance for the cultural and social equipments of the Sanctuary.
The Foundation Abadia de Montserrat 2025 has the next purposes:
- Spread the needs of Montserrat and obtain resources to attend them.
- Use the funds raised for the purpose for which they were donated.
- Collaborate, with a part of these funds, in social and aid works to the most vulnerable.
According with its statutes, the Foundation Abadia de Montserrat 2025, over the years, has linked to this project companies institutions and also individual persons. Thanks to it, it has been possible to initiate an important task of rehabilitation and expansion of the architectonic, artistic and social infrastructures of Montserrat as a whole. With the aids it has been also possible to do a social work in national poor and marginalized areas and also in countries with several lacks of social and economic development.
The members of the Foundation have collaborated giving new ideas and encouraging to continue the work for arriving to the 2025 in the best possible conditions. The Foundation’s challenges to face are very important. One of the needs most immediate is to achieve the economic remediation of the Escolania (one of the most ancient and prestigious music schools in Europe working since the 14th century)
Montserrat receives more than two millions visitors per year. It is the second holiday destination more visited in Catalonia, after the city of Barcelona.
This affluence of visitors, associated to the complexity of Montserrat, implies exigencies of attention and service to the visitor.
The Foundation aspires to be a tool for the Abbey of Montserrat for proposing new services and facilities in its areas of activity and also put in value those already operating in order to satisfy the expectations and the needs of their users (pilgrims, tourists, researchers, interested persons) and give them to known to the society.
We desire to be seen as a modern, flexible, and agile institution, which has the aim to be technologically updated and giving value to our collaborator members and to the Abbey of Montserrat.
We work for obtaining the economic and in-kind resources, from whom is interested in what Montserrat represents, in order to cover its needs in its areas of activity and infrastructures.
We do it with vocation of service, trasnperency, coherence, honestity. Having always present the interests and expectatives of the Montserrat’s areas of activities and also those of our present and future members.
We aim to arrive to 2025 having contributed actively to make possible a group of acts for commemorating the millennial of the Abbey, which have placed Montserrat as a center of excellence and with global appeal.
- Father Manel Gasch i Hurios, Aboot of Montserrat
- Father Bernat Juliol i Galí, administrator of Montserrat and CEO
- Brother Jordi Puigdevall i Roca, prior of Montserrat
- Father Josep M. Soler i Canals, Abbot emeritus of Montserrat
- Father Sebastià Bardolet i Pujol, Abbot emeritus of Montserrat
- Father Josep M. Henríquez Farreras, Member of the Board
- Mr. Xavier Vilaseca i Requena, Secretary
- Mrs. Marta Milla i Carbonell

Collaborating members
Agropecuaria de Guissona / Ajuntament d’Abrera / Ajuntament d’Igualada / Ajuntament de Balenyà / Ajuntament de Bellvei / Ajuntament de Calella / Ajuntament de Manlleu / Ajuntament de Manresa / Ajuntament de Martorell / Ajuntament de Ponts / Ajuntament de Sant Andreu de la Barca / Ajuntament de Terrassa / Ajuntament de Tordera / ALSA/ Associació Catalana de Municipis i Comarques / AUSA / Autopista Terrassa-Manresa, Autema / Bags & Go / Bidons Egara / Busquet, Economistes – Auditors – Advocats / Cafès del Bages / Caixa Rural de Guissona / Caprabo / Carlos Ortega – Disseny Gràfic / Circutor / Club Excursionista de Gràcia / Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya / Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona / Confederació Sardanista de Catalunya / Consell de Col·legis Farmacèutics de Catalunya / Construccions Cots i Claret / ERB2005 / Federació Catalana d’Entitats Corals / Federació de Municipis de Catalunya / Ferrimax / Fundació Banc Sabadell / Fundació Blanquerna / Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació / Fundació Joan Agustí Reixach / Fundació Sorigué / Fundación Família Torres / Futbol Club Barcelona / Gràfiques Imprès Ràpid / Gremi Provincial de Pastisseria i Confiteria de Barcelona / Institut Agrícola Català de Sant Isidre / Massoni, Jardineria / Mercadona / Noel / Oliva Torras / Ramon Clemente / Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona / Restaurant 7 Portes / Saba / Serveis Funeraris de Barcelona.
Institutional agreements
Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i Balears / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas / Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya / Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània / Patronat de la Muntanya / Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de Vic / Universitat Ramon Llull
La Vanguardia / Diari Ara / Diari de Girona / Edicions Intercomarcals – Regió 7 / El 9 Nou / El Periódico