The Brotherhood of Our Lady of Montserrat is made up by the believers who, having the Sanctuary of Montserrat as a reference point, joint together to encourage each other in their pilgrimage to God.
It is a communion of prayer from the Sanctuary: the monks and the pilgrims, who are presents, commend to God to ones who are far away but joined to them.
The objective of the Brotherhood is to spread and to ease the worship to Our Lady of Montserrat, linked to the Sanctuary and creating centers, which, like small sanctuaries, approach the love that God show in his Holy Mountain to all believers. This is done with the personal prayer and, especially, organizing the celebrations for the Virgin’s Solemnities: 8th September and 27th April.
Every year, the first Saturday after the 27th April, the members of the brotherhood are invited to go up to Montserrat for taking part in a celebration in the Sanctuary, in which is given to the new members a commemorative card and a medal of the Brotherhood. As well, the first Saturday after 8th September, they are invited to take part in a Mass of suffrage for the members deceased.
The Brotherhood has a head office in the Sanctuary and associated centers, spread around the world, which take part in the life and the prayer of Montserrat. For becoming a member of the Brotherhood, you should register in any associated center or in the head office of Montserrat. The members of the Brotherhood don’t have particular obligations, but it is recommended an active life of prayer. For easing it, the Santuary, common house of all members, will propose materials for personal prayers or in group. It is also recommended to take part in the activities that the Brotherhood organise in the associated centers.

For founding an associated center, should be meet certain requirement:
- Having a church or an altar dedicated to the Virgin of Montserrat, where the Brotherhood’s members can meet and organize their celebrations, especially for the two Montserrat’s Days.
- Have the diocesan Bishop’s authorization, who will name a chaplain for the center.
- A document of aggregation to the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Montserrat signed and stamped by the Abbot of Montserrat.
- The registration of all members of the associated center to the general registration of the Brotherhood, which is preserved in Montserrat.
- Each associated center should write their own constitutions for regulation their operating at all levels.
For becoming a member of the Brotherhood, you should only fill out the registration form and deliver it to the Pastoral Coordination Center of Montserrat or to any associated center of the Brotherhood in order to register your name in the general Brotherhood’s registration.
More information in / 93 877 77 66 (ext. 1503).
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