If you are interested in receiving information on how to become a monk, please contact with Novices’ Master with this form or writing him a letter:
Abadia de Montserrat
Novices’ Master
08199 – Montserrat (Barcelona)
Phone: +34 93.877.77.77

A thousand years of monastic life have made Montserrat a millennial monastery, where thousands of men have found a life project of their own from which to develop themselves following the Rule of Saint Benedict.
The Abbey of Montserrat offers a special environment that becomes a meeting point with faith, where one can practice spirituality and reflect on the path they choose to follow. In short, a place to find answers.
If you are interested in learning about the Abbey of Montserrat and the values of our community, you can contact us by filling out the form or by writing an email directly to vocacions@abadiamontserrat.net.