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How Collaborate

How to collaborate

Your individual support contributes to go ahead with the projects of the Foundation in order to preserve the cultural, artistic and social activities of Montserrat Abbey.

People, companies and institutions can collaborate with the Foundation contacting with the Foundation’s staff or making an on-line donation. After doing it, we will send you a certificate of donation specifying the amount of the donation in order to be provided in the income statement or in the corporate income statement.

If you need more information about how collaborate with the Foundation, please, contact us:

Make a donation

Other ways of doing it:
If you prefer, you can make a bank transfer:

  • CaixaBank:
    ES50 2100 0215 3402 0003 2689
  • Banc Sabadell:
    ES29 0081 7065 4100 0122 3325

Once the bank transfer is ordered, if you’d like to reciver your donation’s certificate, please send us your personal details.

Reasons for collaborating with the Foundation
The Foundation Abbey of Montserrat 2025 gives to companies, institutions and individuals the opportunity to collaborate in order to improve the activities, which take place in Montserrat by sponsorship and patronage.There are many reasons for taking part in this project, but the most important one is to continue being an inspiration for the society, a task shared by the Benedictine Community of Montserrat and by all the collaborators who lend service to Montserrat, but also by whom collaborates economically in order to Montserrat continues its task.
To collaborate economically with the Foundation 2025 let you being part of a commitment to the future in order that the Abbey of Montserrat, in its millennial, can welcome all the visitors and pilgrims in the best conditions and also contribute to make a society more inclusive, open to dialogue, cultured and sensitive to the most vulnerable groups. For achieving it, it is necessary to improve the infrastructures, the transmission of knowledge, the cultural and arts diffusion, the artistic and historic heritage conservation.
With your economic contribution, it will be possible to restore artworks in order to be exhibited for the enjoyment of all, to restore manuscripts, incunabulum and valuable ancient books, to publish bibliographical works, to maintain the excellence of the chant of the Escolania, to promote the interreligious and ecumenical dialogue and to assist the most vulnerable groups.

Your contribution will also support learning activities, researching activities and knowledge sharing, which will be useful for the society. The abbey of Montserrat has a long tradition in the musical activities and your contribution will be important for continuing it: organizing organ’s concerts, musical auditions and other activities about music with free access.

Being one of ours sponsors will give visibility to your company in those areas where Montserrat is a referent such as cultural, spiritual, educational and artistic.

Thanks to your contribution, your company will have greater visibility for its collaboration with a millennial institution, which is adapted to the times, sustainable, with social and ethical values and sensitive to the most vulnerable groups. Count on you as a collaborator, is very important because you contribute to adapt and strength with your example the shared values in order to improve the cohabitation among people.

For this reason, and many others that you will discover if you give us your trust and help, is interesting become a member of the Foundation abbey of Montserrat 2025. We will walk together for accomplishing the service requested to Montserrat and to the whole society.

Lines of collaboration
The Foundation 2025 gives the possibility of collaboration and sponsorship in the next lines:
Generic donation to the Foundation Abbey of Montserrat 2025
Generic donation to the Foundation Abbey of Montserrat 2025
Musical activity
Musical activity
Publishing books
Publishing books
Maintain and preserve infrastructures, equipment and artistic and cultural heritage
Maintain and preserve infrastructures, equipment and artistic and cultural heritage.
Social Care
Social Care
Transmission of knowledge
Transmission of knowledge
Plan of sponsorship and patronage

The Foundation Abbey of Montserrat 2025 has a group of elements which allow us to be in contact with the different sponsors in order to have a sincere and transparent relation, which is translated to the trust and mutual satisfaction and with the sext categories of donors:

  • Promoting Partner
  • Sponsor
  • Collaborator
  • Supplier

To have more details about this information, please, contact with the Foundation.

Tax incentives

The project “Milliarium Montserrat 1025-2025” has been recognized as an event of special public interest and for this reason it has a favorable tax system for the natural and legal persons, who make a donation.

This tax tool consists on a tax exemption for companies equivalent to the 15% of the amount spent in publicity and advertising, having a maximum amount of 90% of the amount donated.

For the donors, who don’t advertise the event, being natural or legal persons, the conditions of the tax exemption for their donation are up to 30% in the liquid quote of the IRPF (having as a limit the 10% of the liquid base), percentage which increases a 5% during the period in which the project od the Millennial of the Abbey of Montserrat is recognized as an event of special public interest. In case of maintaining a donation for an amount equal or greater than the previous two years, the deduction in the third year increases by another 5%.

For individuals, the first 150€ of the donation may be deducted 75% and on the amount that exceeds 150€, may be applied a deduction of 30% and 40% in the case of legal persons.